
Saturday 23 November 2013

Dry and Faded.

It is very easy to let it all out and just keep crying, whining and cribbing about something. But when it comes to some emotions which you know there is no use even if you let it all out. It just gets accumulated within and you become so closed to it that you don’t know what any of the feelings feel like. May be once in a while you might sit in some corner and cry out , tears trickling down your eyes, and quickly rub it all off when you know someone around you is watching you. This exactly how you become with all emotions. People who have had all the happiness in life and suddenly have everything taken away from them and left with nothing, they become very careful about the little bit of happiness they gain from anything. These kind of people loose attachment from everything and anything. They no longer know the feeling of seeing someone after so long or being at home after months or even the feeling of waiting for someone. I feel sad for such people. They used to be maybe a person of out bursting emotions and finding happiness in little things. Now it is all about straight faces, stagnant emotions and dry tears. Nothing can ever make them happy except for what they have lost on the way. The fear of losing everything is the greatest fear in the world. They don’t expect anything from anyone anymore.

The funny part being, people around this particular person will feel as if everything is all right and nothing was ever wrong. But little do they know that behind every smile and laughter there is a shallow side. If they hurt someone intentionally or even unintentionally, they won’t feel the slightest tinge of regret or guilt or will even have the urge to apologize. And that is exactly how people will start drifting from the individual. Such people like being alone rather than being lonely. They believe in just themselves and nothing else. They have got no strings attached and have completely rigged of every wire of connection they ever had with any kind of emotion.

So if you ever happen to feel you have such people around you, don’t sympathize with them nor should you expect any sympathies out of them- Because they are probably stuck at a point of time of their life which they haven’t yet gotten over. Give them their space and time. someday time will heal them, and someday they will heal the time.